My Family. Тексти англійською із завданнями

Прочитайте два тексти англійською мовою за темою «My Family». До тестів додається завдання, що допоможе вам запам’ятати прикметники з прийменниками.

My Family. Тексти англійською із завданнями


  1. My brother Pete (for intermediate)
  2. My sister Helen (for upper-intermediate)
  3. Тест на стійкі вирази з прийменниками

Text №1 «My Brother Peter» (intermediate)

My elder brother is fond of fantasy and adventure stories. He is so keen on literature, he can read for hours. He often learns poems by heart.

Peter has a keen sense of humour. And he is curious about everything.

My brother likes to find out something interesting about the authors of the books he is reading. He possesses a talent for writing short stories.

У цьому маленькому тексті є 7 стійких виразів. Запам’ятайте їх, вони вам обов’язково знадобляться.

1. be fond of fantasy and adventure stories – любити фантастику і пригодницькі історії
2. be keen on literature — захоплюватися літературою
3. learn poems by heart – вчити вірші напам’ять
4. have a keen sense of humour – мати гостре почуття гумору
5. be curious about everything – цікавитися всім
6. find out something interesting — знаходити цікаву інформацію
7. possess a talent for … – мати талант до …

Text №2 «My Sister Helen» (for upper-intermediate)

I have a little sister. Her name is Helen. She is 6 years old.

Helen is fond of reading. She always reads for pleasure. She enjoys colourful pictures. When she looks through funny books, I see a happy expression on her face.

When she comes across something unusual, she never holds her back emotions. She always gives way to joy and excitement.

My sister is very curious. I’m often amused by her questions.

And my sister is very kind. Sad stories arouse sympathy in her.

Стійкі вирази для запам’ятовування:
1. be fond of reading – любити читати
2. look through books – переглядати книги
3. come across something – знайти (натрапити на щось
4. hold back one’s emotions – стримувати емоції
5. gives way to joy and excitement – давати волю радості і емоцій
6. be amused by – бавитися
7. arouse sympathy – викликати жалість (співчуття)

Test on the Texts №1,2

  1. My elder brother is fond … fantasy and adventure stories.
    a) on b) of c) about
  2. He is so keen … literature, he can read … hours.
    a) on for b) of, for c) on, in
  3. He possesses a talent … writing short stories.
    a) of b) with c) for
  4. He often learns poems … heart.
    a) in b) by c) with
  5. Peter has a keen sense … humour.
    a) for b) of c) with
  6. He is curious … everything.
    a) without b) with c) about
  7. My brother likes to find … something interesting about the authors of the books he is reading.
    a) up b) out c) in
  8. My little sister Helen is fond … reading.
    a) off b) on c) of
  9. She always reads … pleasure.
    a) without b) by c) for
  10. When she looks … funny books, I see a happy expression … her face.
    a) through, on b) at, in c) through, at
  11. When she comes across something unusual she never holds … her emotions.
    a) back b) by c) off
  12. She always gives way … joy and excitement.
    a) for b) into c) to
  13. Sad stories arouse … sympathy in Helen.
    a) from b) to c) –
  14. I’m often amused … her questions.
    a) without b) about c) by

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