Text «Education in Russia» (about the Ukrainian Educational System)

Цей нескладний текст по темі «Education» текст входить в цикл текстів англійською мовою «Education in Russia, Britain and America» і рекомендується для читання на завершальному етапі вивчення теми «School».

Перед читанням тексту перевірте себе чи знаєте ви слова: compulsory, primary education, secondary education, comprehensive, ability, entrance exams, specialized schools, profound knowledge, academic subjects, higher education, enter a university, take exams, pass exams, fail exams.

Повторіть слова по темі — School. Повний список слів №3

Education in Russia

(text about the Ukrainian Educational System for intermediate level)

  1. academic subjects – навчальні предмети
  2. competition – зд. конкурс
  3. fierce — жорсткий
  4. public — державний
  5. bachelor’s degree – диплом бакалавра
  6. specialist’s degree – диплом інженера
  7. master’s degree – диплом магістра
  8. higher education — вища освіта
  9. institutions of higher education — вищі навчальні заклади

All Ukrainian children have the right to education, but it is not only a right, it is a duty, too. Education in our country is compulsory and now lasts eleven years. It consists of primary education and secondary education.

Primary education starts at the age of 6 or 7 and continues for four years. After finishing primary school pupils go on to secondary school. The school year starts in September and ends in May. Generally there 4 school terms with holidays up to 10 days between them. The summer holidays last from June to September.

Most schools in Russia are comprehensive, which take pupils of all abilities without entrance exams. As a rule, pstudents go to school 5 days a week. But there are also specialized schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, which give profound knowledge in various academic subjects. In lyceums and gymnasiums students study 6 days a week.

After finishing the 9th form students must take 4 examinations. Then young people can choose to stay at school, enter a college or a technical school. But to enter a university they have to study for two more years (either at school or at college).

Higher education in Russia.
There are many colleges and universities in our country, but it is not easy to enter a university college or as the competition is rather fierce. Most of the colleges and universities are public and students do not have to pay for their education.

After 4 years of study students can pass examinations and get a bachelor’s degree, 5 years after a specialist’s degree and after 6 years a master’s degree.

There are a lot of institutions of higher education in our country:

They are well-known not only in Russia but also abroad.

Завдання. Retell the text to make sure that you have remembered the words:

  1. study academic subjects
  2. there is a fierce competition
  3. take entrance exams
  4. enter a university
  5. get profound knowledge
  6. get a bachelor’s degree
  7. get higher education
  8. various institutions of higher education

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