Вправи на артиклі в англійській мові

uprazhneniya na artikli v anglijjskom yazyke28 Вправи на артиклі в англійській мовіЩоб закріпити теорію вживання артиклів ми повинні попрацювати з матеріалом практичної частини. Для цього запрошуємо вас на курси англійської Лівобережної

Для того, щоб правила засвоювалися більш ефективно і не викликали почуття одноманітності, ми поділили вправи на 5 груп.

Якщо ви не готові до тесту вам сюди:
Артиклі в англійській мові — використання та вживання

5 груп вправ на артиклі англійської мови:

Перша група – це артикль + слово.

1. ___ arm 9.___old woman 17.___ hour

2. ___ animal 10.___theatre 18.___ insect

3. ___ seaside 11.___orchid 19.___North Pole

4. ___actress 12. ___ jungle 20.___ finger

5. ___ dog 13. ____ billion 21.___ ant

6. ___ Netherlands 14. ____ monkey 22. ___ woman

7. ___ actor 15. _____ earache 23. ___eagle

8. ___ iPhone 16. _____ Pacific Ocean 24. ___e-book

Друга група – це словосполучення.

1. Listen to ___ radio 5. History of ___ media

2. ___ romance of ___ busy broker 6. As___ result of my work

3. ___ Christmas Presents 7.___adventure of her husband

4. ___ great fire of London 8.___busy day

Третя група – це пропозиції, які потрібно вписати артикль the або ж нічого.

1. In ___last two years things have got very tight.

2. ___ Normans also brought with them ___ French language.

3. All she knew was that he was ___ very ill and they were completely out of ___money.

4. She was just eleven years of age, and ___ moon was shining brightly in ___ gardens of ___ palace.

5. Please, state your destination clearly and have ___ exact fare ready.

6. Shakespeare made___fuller use of ___ English language than any other writer.






Четверта група – це пропозиції, які потрібно вписати артиклі a/an або the.

1. You know it’s ___ very expensive smartphone.

2. Korinna is ___ doctor.

3. She paid fifty euro of rent ___ month.

4. Give ___ fool горі enough, and he will hang himself.

5. ___ train leaves tomorrow at three o’clock.

6. I am ___ important woman now.

7. Their stems lay in ___ water on which there floated ___ large tulip petal.

8. In ___ small town ___ man stole some money from ___ house.

9. ___ man wrote a story and sent it to ___ publishing house.

10.___ driver in ___ American bus is ___ unique figure.

П’ята група – вписати в пропозиції артиклі a/an, the або залишити нульовий артикль.

1. ___bird in___hand is worth two in___bush.

2. In autumn when it is raining hard ___ umbrella is necessary.

3. ___ dogs bark, but ___ caravan goes on.

4. What is ___ Miracle’s Cost?

5. One day he saw something in ___ newspaper about ___ fair in ___park near his house.

6. ___ train leaves tomorrow at three o’clock.

7. ___ goal of this course is to help you become ___ better teacher.

8. So young Peter Munk used to ___sit all through ___ week tending ___ wood-kiln.

9. He was ___ handsome, ___strong and ___very smart.

10. ___enemy will agree, but ___ friend will argue.

11. They told in ___ newspapers that ___ big stage-coach was lifted off ___ road and thrown aside like ___ rag.

12. Late one night ___ shoemaker sat cutting his with leather ___ snip, snip, snap, watched by his wife and watched by his cat.

13. Big Ben is ___bell in ___ clock tower in London.

14. Whidbey Island may be only ___ ferry ride from Seattle, but it’s ___ world apart.

15. On January 26, 1948, ___ man posing as ___ public health official arrives at ___ bank in Tokyo.

16. ___ beggar found ___ leather purse that someone had dropped in ___ marketplace.

17. ___ father came home from ___ long business trip to find his young son riding ___ brand new bike.

18. Pure white snow and ice covered ___ Earth for as far as he could see.

19. John had been taught to carry his master’s dinner in ___ basket, every day, to ___ place where he worked.

20. Upon arriving home in eager anticipation of ___ неквапливий evening, ___ husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife.

А тепер давайте перевіримо свої відповіді!

uprazhneniya na artikli v anglijjskom yazyke29 Вправи на артиклі в англійській мовіAnswers:

Test 1.

1) an; 2) an;3) the; 4) an; 5) a; 6) the; 7) an; cool Вправи на артиклі в англійській мові an; 9) an; 10) the; 11) an; 12) the; 13) a; 14) a; 15) an; 16) the; 17) an; 18) an; 19) the; 20) a; 21) an; 22)a; 23) an; 24) an.

Test 2.

1) the; 2) the,a; 3) the; 4) the; 5) the; 6) а; 7) the; cool Вправи на артиклі в англійській мові a.

Test 3.

1) the; 2) the,the; 3) 0,0; 4) the,the,the; 5) the; 6) 0, the.

Test 4.

1) а; 2) а; 3) а; 4) а; 5) the; 6) an; 7) the, a; cool Вправи на артиклі в англійській мові a,a,a; 9)a, the; 10) the, an,a.

Test 5.

1)A,the,the ; 2) an; 3) the,the; 4) the; 5)the,a,the; 6) the; 7) the, a;

cool Вправи на артиклі в англійській мові 0, the,the; 9) 0,0,0; 10)an,a; 11)the,the,the,a; 12) a,a;

13) a,the; 14)a,a; 15)a,a,a; 16)a,a,the; 17)a,a,a;

18) the; 19)a,the; 20)a,the.

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