Present Perfect continues (I have been doing)

bd48a597446cf43b652dc4496c854789 Present Perfect continues (I have been doing)

Present Perfect continues

Is it raining?

No, but the ground is wet.

It has been raining.

Рекомендую прочитати: Вправи на відпрацювання Present Perfect з відповідями

The present perfect continuous tense / Даний вчинене тривалий час – Вживається для вираження тривалої дії, яке почалося в минулому і триває протягом деякого часу і закінчилося перед цим моментом. Період часу позначається обставинами часу, вираженими поєднаннями з прийменниками:

for a long time / for a week /

since early morning / since two o’clock /

Початковий момент може так само позначаться тимчасовим придаткових реченням, що вводиться союзом since.

present perfect continuous перекладається на російську мову або справжнім, або минулому часом дієслова не доконаного виду.

Ann is very tired as she has been reading a book for two hours. Аня дуже втомилася, так як вона читала книгу протягом двох годин.

 Have/has been -ing is the present perfect continuous:

25f3f3d9864910fd154cbf14f9c2f3f2 Present Perfect continues (I have been doing)

present perfect continuous

 We use the present perfect continuous for an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped.

You’re out of breath. Have you been running? (= you’re out of breath now)

Ellen is very tired. She’s been working very hard. (= she’s tired now)

Why is your T-so short dirty? What have you been doing?

I’ve been talking to Tom about the problem and he agrees with me.

Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere.

It has been raining for three hours.

75d039719c02571f475b20d4e913eff1 Present Perfect continues (I have been doing)

It began raining three hours ago and it is still raining.

How long has it been raining?

It has been raining for three hours.

We use the present perfect continuous in this way especially

with how Long for … and since …. The activity is still

happening (as in this example) or has just stopped.

How Long have you been Learning France? (=you’re still learning France)

Ann is still watching TV. She’s been watching TV all day.

Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for the Last half hour.

Tom hasn’t been feeling well recently.

You can use the present perfect continuous actions for repeated over a period of time:

Chris is a very good tennis player. He’s been playing since he was seven.

Every morning we meet in the same cafe. We’ve been going there for two years.

Порівняйте I am doing and I have been doing:

Present continuous:

bb1e3ab281250193cde6a16389e95dc6 Present Perfect continues (I have been doing)

Don’t disturb me now. I’m working.

We need an umbrella. It’s raining.

Hurry up! We’re waiting.

Present perfect continuous:

0cc67ddc296ed6004dadc8727a5b36c6 Present Perfect continues (I have been doing)

I’ve been working hard. Now i’m going

to have a break.

The ground is wet. lt’s been raining.

We’ve been waiting for two hours.

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