Вправи “Невизначений артикль” (з відповідями)

27c3348b25eaee6ad2374056e7114bce Вправи Невизначений артикль (з відповідями)

1. Поставте невизначений артикль там, де необхідно.

Diana went up to young girl and asked: “Is there Italian restaurant near here?” She thought for moment and said: “Yes, there is one. Just go straight ahead 200 metres. You’ll see it in old building, opposite Chinese restaurant.” Diana went inside and saw man playing the piano. Beautiful woman in red dress was eating dinner. There was glass of wine red on her table too. “Can I have bill, please?” she asked the waiter. “Just minute, madam,” he said and gave her friendly smile.

2. Поставте в словосполученнях невизначений артикль “a” або “an” там, де необхідно.

  1. … hour
  2. … academic … hour
  3. … apricot
  4. … juicy … apricot
  5. train …
  6. … American … trains
  7. … American train …
  8. … station
  9. … railway station …
  10. … modern … railway station …

3. Поставте невизначений артикль там, де необхідно.

  1. I get up at quarter to seven and go for walk. Then I have snack and give my children lift to school.
  2. George plays tennis several times week. He spends lot of time there.
  3. We’ve got nice idea. Let’s buy new car.
  4. I have mother, father and elder sister. My sister is student. She wants to be musician.
  5. Puppy is baby dog.
  6. Don’t be in hurry. It is quite difficult task.
  7. Ted was such nasty boy. He always spoke in loud and nervous voice.
  8. I’d like cup of black coffee.
  9. There is bottle of milk in the fridge.
  10. This is carpet. It is soft carpet.




Diana went up to a young girl and asked: “there Is an Italian restaurant near here?” She thought for a moment and said: “Yes, there is one. Just go straight ahead 200 metres. You’ll see it in an old building, opposite a Chinese restaurant.” Diana went inside and saw a man playing the piano. A beautiful woman in a red dress was eating dinner. There was a glass of wine red on her table too. “Can I have a bill, please?” she asked the waiter. “Just a minute, madam,” he said and gave her a friendly smile.

Діана підійшла до молоденької дівчини і запитала: «Тут поблизу є італійський ресторан?» Вона подумала трохи і сказала: «Так, є один. Ідіть прямо 200 метрів. Ви побачите його в старому будинку навпроти китайського ресторану.» Діана зайшла всередину і побачила чоловіка, що грає на фортепіано. Красива жінка в червоному платті вечеряла. На столі стояв келих червоного вина. «Можна принести мені рахунок?» вона попросила офіціанта. «Хвилиночку, мадам», сказав він і привітно посміхнувся.


  1. an hour
  2. an academic hour
  3. an apricot
  4. a juicy apricot
  5. a train
  6. American trains
  7. an American train
  8. a station
  9. a railway station
  10. a modern railway station


  1. a quarter, a walk, a snack, a lift
  2. a week, a lot of
  3. a nice idea, a new car
  4. a mother, a father, an elder sister, a student, a musician
  5. a puppy, a baby dog
  6. in a hurry, quite a difficult task
  7. such a nasty boy in a loud and voice nervous
  8. a cup
  9. a bottle
  10. a carpet, a soft carpet
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