1. Поставте дієслово у форму пасивного стану минулого часу.
- Jack … (examine) by the doctor. (Джека оглянув лікар.)
- The teapot … (break) last week. (Чайник був розбитий на минулого тижня.)
- The letters … (hand) to Doctor Loyds. (Листи були вручені докторові Лойдс.)
- The girl … (frighten) by homeless dogs. (Дівчинку налякали бездомні собаки.)
- This novel … (not translate). (Цей роман не був переведений.)
- We … (not invite) to Andrew’s party. (Нас не запросили на вечірку у Ендрю.)
2. Змініть пропозиції в дійсній заставі на пасивний.
Наприклад: We sent for the doctor. (Ми послали за доктором.) – The doctor was sent for. (За доктором послали.)
- The earthquake ruined a lot of villages. (Землетрус зруйнував багато сіл.)
- Mother was cooking fantastic dinner. (Мама готувала фантастичний вечерю.)
- Somebody had stolen their car. (Хтось вкрав їх машину.)
- The secretary was the typing documents. (Секретар друкувала документи.
- Sam had already painted the self-portrait. (Сем вже написав автопортрет.)
- Kirsty bought these cushions in China. (Керсті купила ці подушки в Китаї.)
3. Складіть по два речення в пасивному заставі.
Наприклад: We told her the news. (Ми розповіли їй новину.) – She was told the news. (Їй розповіли новину.), The news was told to her. (Новина була розказана їй.)
- They gave me an Italian book. (Вони дали мені італійську книгу.)
- He was showing us his new house. (Він показував нам свій новий будинок.)
- The waiter had served him a beef steak. (Офіціант подав йому яловичий стейк.)
- President promised his people prosperity. (Президент пообіцяв своєму народу процвітання.)
- Ross had taught Mary English grammar. (Містер Росс навчив Мері англійській граматиці.)
4. Складіть питальні речення, починаючи з запропонованих слів.
- Megan had been advised to wear contact lenses. (Меган порадили носити контактні лінзи.) Why … ? What … ?
- The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell. (Телефон був винайдений Олександром Белл.) Who … by? When … ?
- The dogs were being trained by a policeman. (Собак тренував поліцейський.) Where … ? How many dogs … ?
- French textbooks had been packed for the library. (Французькі підручники були упаковані для бібліотеки. What kind of books … ?
- was examined
- was broken
- were handed
- was frightened
- wasn’t translated
- were not invited
- A lot of villages were ruined by the earthquake.
- Fantastic dinner was being cooked.
- Their car had been stolen.
- The documents were being typed by the secretary.
- The self-portrait had already been painted.
- These cushions were bought by Kirsty in China.
- I was given an Italian book. An Italian book was given to me.
- We were being shown the new house. The new house was being shown to us.
- He had been served a beef steak. A beef steak had been served to him.
- Prosperity was promised by president. The people were promised prosperity.
- Mary had been taught English grammar by Mr. Ross. English grammar had been taught to Mary by Mr. Ross.
- Why had Megan been advised to wear contact lenses? What had Megan been advised to wear?
- Who was the telephone invented by? When was invented the telephone?
- Where were the dogs being trained? How many dogs were being trained by a policeman?
- What kind of books had been packed for the library?