Вправи “Питання у непрямій промови” (з відповідями)

e2ea522176215767e5b05d93b334c622 Вправи Питання у непрямій промови (з відповідями)

1. Змініть пропозиції з загальними питаннями на непряму мова.

Наприклад: «Are you happy?» he asked her. («Ти щаслива?», запитав він її.) – He asked her if she was happy. (Він запитав, чи щаслива вона.)

  1. I asked him, “Have you seen my dog?” (Я запитав його: «Ти бачив мою собаку?»)
  2. “Can you give me an ice-cream?” asked the little girl. («Ви можете дати мені морозиво?» – запитала маленька дівчинка.)
  3. “Do you know when she will return?” he asked. («Ти знаєш, коли вона повернеться?» – запитав він.)
  4. The teacher said to the girls, “Have you done your homework?” (Вчитель сказав дівчаткам: «Ви зробили домашнє завдання?»)
  5. The little boy asked the man, “Will you help me?” (Маленький хлопчик попросив чоловіка: «Ви допоможете мені?»)
  6. “Are you coming home with me?” he asked me. («Ти підеш зі мною додому?» – запитав він мене.)
  7. “Do you really come from Japan?” prince asked the young man. («Ви дійсно родом з Японії?» – запитав принц молодої людини.)
  8. “Don’t you have a driving license?” I asked her. («Хіба у вас немає водійських прав?» – запитав я її.)
  9. Ann said, “Did anybody see you?” (Анна сказала: «Тебе хто-небудь бачив?»)
  10. “Are they hungry?” my mother asked. («Вони голодні?» – запитала моя мама.)
  11. “Can you speak French?” the manager asked. («Ви можете говорити по-французьки?» – запитав менеджер.)
  12. “Was your sister at home?” Bob asked. («Твоя сестра була вдома?» – запитав Боб.)


2. Ви зустріли колишнього сусіда Вільяма. Він задає багато питань:

  1. How are you?
  2. Where have you been?
  3. Where is your sister?
  4. What does her husband do?
  5. How much do you earn?
  6. When will you pay my money back?
  7. Why did you move to another place?
  8. Where are you going?
  9. Why didn’t you call me last month?
  10. What time can I call you?

Розкажіть своєму другові, про вас розпитував Вільям. Починайте зі слів: Не asked me …, He wanted to know …, He wondered …

Наприклад: He asked me how I was. (Він запитав, як у мене справи.)


3. Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова в кожному реченні.

  1. Paul asked me whether I liked travelling. – “… (Do you like/Did you like) travelling?” asked Paul.
  2. He asked me if I had finished the essay. – “… (Did you finish/Had you finished) the essay?” he asked me.
  3. Helen asked me if she could leave. – “… (Can/Could) I leave?” asked Helen.
  4. I asked Sam where we were going. – “Where … (are we/were we/we were) going?” I asked.
  5. Mark asked Liz if she had met anyone the previous Sunday. – “… (Did you meet/Have met you) anyone last Sunday?” asked Mark.
  6. The policeman asked him whether the gun belonged to him. – “… (Does/Did) the gun belong to you?” asked the policeman.
  7. David asked his daughter when she would get back. – “When … (would you get/will you get/have you got) back?” asked David.
  8. Diana asked me what time the film started. – “What time … did/does the film start?” asked Diana.
  9. A passer-by asked me where the nearest toilet was. – “Where … (was/has been/is) the nearest toilet?” asked a passer-by.
  10. She wondered who would buy that car. – “Who … (will/would) buy that car?” she wondered.




  1. I asked him if he had seen my dog.
  2. The little girl asked whether I could give her an ice-cream.
  3. He asked me if I knew when she would return.
  4. The teacher wondered if the girls had done their homework.
  5. The little boy asked whether the man would help him.
  6. He asked if I was coming home with him.
  7. The prince asked the young man if he really came from Japan.
  8. I wanted to know if she didn’t have a driving license.
  9. Ann asked if anybody had seen her.
  10. My mother asked whether they were hungry.
  11. The manager asked if I could speak French.
  12. Bob wanted to know if my sister had been at home.



2. He asked me where I had been. (Він запитав мене, де я був.)

3. He wanted to know where my sister was. (Він хотів дізнатися, де моя сестра.)

4. He wondered what her husband did. (Він цікавився, чим займається її чоловік.)

5. He asked me how much I earned. (Він запитав мене, скільки я заробляю.)

6. He asked when I would pay his money back. (Він запитав, коли я поверну йому гроші.)

7. He wondered why I had moved to another place. (Він поцікавився, чому я переїхав в інше місце.)

8. He asked me where I was going. (Він запитав мене, куди я йду.)

9. He wanted to know why I hadn’t called him the previous month. (Він хотів дізнатися, чому я не зателефонував йому в минулому місяці.)

10. He asked what time he could call me. (Він запитав, скільки можна мені подзвонити.)



  1. Do you like travelling?
  2. Did you finish the essay?
  3. Can I leave?
  4. Where are we going?
  5. Did you meet anyone last Sunday?
  6. Does the gun belong to you?
  7. When will you get back?
  8. What time does the film start?
  9. Where is the nearest toilet?
  10. Who will buy that car?
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