Стійкі вирази з прикладами

ustojjchivye vyrazheniya s primerami89 Стійкі вирази з прикладами
1) about to (do something) — бути готовим зробити що-небудь; що ось-ось буде зроблено
I was about to answer his question when the door bell rang.

2) according to (someone or something) — відповідно до когось або чогось; відповідно, у порядку, пропорційно з чим-небудь

According to the forecast, there will be no rain next week.
The company did everything according to the conditions of the contract.

3) account for (something) — надавати пояснення чи відповідь на що-небудь
High prices account for the fact that very few people can buy a house.

4) after all — зрештою, в кінцевому рахунку;
“You don’t have to ask him. After all, he never asks you.”

5) all of a sudden — раптом, без попередження
All of a sudden, it started to rain.

6) as a matter of fact — фактично, насправді, по суті, по правді сказати, власне кажучи, по суті справи
“As a matter of fact, we have seen this film many times.”

7) as far as — оскільки, наскільки
As far as I know the museum opens in June.

cool Стійкі вирази з прикладами as for — що стосується, що до
“As for me, I think that I will have another cup of tea.”

9) as if — наче, ніби, наче, як якщо б
The coffee tastes as if it was made without sugar.

10) as long as — – поки що; до тих пір, поки; так як, якщо, оскільки, раз
“As long as you know grammar well I won’t fail your exam.”

11) as soon as — як тільки, коли
I phoned my friend as soon as I arrived in town.

12) as to — стосовно; що стосується
“As to your enquiry, I will be able to answer it in two days.”

13) as well — також, теж, з таким же успіхом
I want to take up photography this year as well.

14) as well as (someone or something) — так само як, а також; заодно і
“Please take your textbook as well as your copybook.”

15) back and forth — взад і вперед; на всі лади, знову і знову; туди і назад
The discussion went back and forth before we were able to make a decision.

16) better off — бути в кращому становищі, ніж раніше
I will be better off when I sell my old house and buy a new one.

17) break down (something) — розділяти що-небудь на частини; розпадатися (на частини)
If you want to succeed try to break the problem down into manageable pieces and analyze them.

18) break up — розлучитися, розділитися, покласти кінець чого-небудь
During our classes the teacher usually breaks us up into small groups.

19) by the way — до речі, між іншим
“By the way, could you please borrow me your laptop computer?”

20) carry out (something) — приводити у виконання, виконувати, здійснювати що-небудь
Before discussing the results of our experiment, they decided to carry out some tests.

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