Універсальні фрази для спілкування

universalnye frazy dlya obshheniya45 Універсальні фрази для спілкування
or else — інакше
You have to feed it and pet it or else it dies.

for a change — для різноманітності
Nothing, only це d be nice to spend an evening together for a change.

other than — крім цього, в іншому

then again / but then — з іншого боку
Then again, you never know who you’re going to meet.

on the one hand / on the other hand — з одного боку / c іншого боку
On the one hand you showed leadership, courage under fire, a willingness to protect men you hardly knew… and on the other you have an arrest record that pegs as you near sociopathic.

for all the world — у всіх відносинах

for one’s sake / for the sake of something — для власної користі / заради чого-небудь
And you can’t agree with things just for the sake of agreeing.

for real — серйозно, насправді
For real, Paul. I’m madly in love with that girl.

such and such — такий-то такий-то
This information comes from the storekeeper himself who stated that such and such a girl had bought I don’t know what in his store.

what it takes to — те, що потрібно щоб
I just don’t have what it takes to be a cop anymore.

in view of — через
In view of your indecision, why not rely on their advice and judgment as well as mine?

other than — не рахуючи
Other than that i’m in good shape.

in every sense of the word — в повному сенсі слова
It is total and complete garbage in every sense of the word.

high and low — скрізь і всюди

what about (smth/doing smth) — як щодо
What about the dolphins?

just in case — на всяк випадок

from scratch — на порожньому місці, з нуля

on the edge of smth — на межі
His parents are on the edge of divorce.

at every step — на кожному кроці

in place — на своєму місці
It’s all in place.

all the way — від початку до кінця
It is sad, touching and made me want to cry all the way through.

pure and simple — просто-напросто
I wasn’t driven by joy, it wasn’t winning as much as terror, pure and simple — fear of losing.

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